Thursday, June 19, 2014

South Sudanese artist to give hope to refugees in northern Uganda.

Hard Life avenues Stars Mantani and Nicky Prince(R One of south Sudan's leading music group.


 By Mogga Emmanuel Benaih.

Juba-As the peace talks in Adissababa seem stalled and abandoned with no possibilities of yielding hope to the ordinary citizens who have been directly affected by the ongoing crisis  a renowned South Sudanese music group the Hard life avenue have taken it upon themselves to ensure their fellow south Sudanese in Uganda have peace of mind and hope in their future.
To bring a peace of mind to the south Sudanese refugees in Uganda Hard Life Avenue a musical crew in south Sudan is warming up to perform and entertain the refugees in the upcoming refugees’ day.
Mogga Emmanuel the manager of the Hard Life Avenue said the concert is aimed at giving courage to the refugees, entertain them and provide relief from psychological stress adding that the aim is to ensure that the South Sudanese who are in Uganda due to the current crisis feel at home and make them feel at home.
Going and having a concert will give relief to them and make them proud of their origin despite the difficulties. He stressed, saying artist have a great role of preaching peace and hope
We are responding to our responsibility as music group to contribute towards peace and restoration of hope to those who hope looks far.

According to Nicky Prince the crew’s president people like the refugees are stressed and always miss something especially home they need something to relax their mind and the best thing is Music, many of those who fled the country are just traumatized in the camps in the neighboring countries
Some of them have lost hope and are psychologically sick hence need at least entertainment this is all the deal about this show he said.
Organized alongside Skyline international promotions the Crew plans to have two concerts on 20th and 21st of this month June at the main town of Adjumani District and the other at Pakele County an areas where a good number of south Sudanese refugees are settled
After having sung the all stars peace song alongside Silver X the Hard life Avenue trip to the refugee camps in northern Uganda is seen as great event to give hope as they join the refugees in celebrating the international day for refugees
With both their entertaining and educative songs in both English, Arabic and some local south Sudanese dialects the crew hopes to impact positively to a great population of their fellow citizens now camped up in Uganda.
According to Hard Life Avenue Crew they plan to organize concerts in all the neighboring countries hosting South Sudanese refugees but they wanted to use this trip as a stepping stone.